“I feel I exist on the boundaries. Somewhere between science and art. I am always trying to find a balance between this opposing forces. Finding a place where opposites meet.”

- Maya Lin

Artist Statement

As an artist, I am deeply passionate about various art forms, including sculpture and geometric abstraction. Exploring the intricate relationship between materials and the artistic process is a fundamental aspect of my creative journey. While my artistic foundation draws inspiration from traditional art practices, I am continually fascinated by the ever-evolving landscape of emerging technologies, tools, and innovative processes.

As an artist and researcher, I find that these two distinct realms of science and art are intertwined, fueling my desire to create. Both disciplines demand an inquisitive mind, a willingness to experiment and learn from mistakes, perseverance, and a relentless pursuit of solving challenges, be it technical or conceptual. Combining my artistic vision with my analytical mindset allows me to explore uncharted territories and discover new ways of expressing my ideas and observations.

My research delves into the fascinating convergence of my deep-rooted expertise in paper sculpture and origami techniques with the innovative realm of 3D printing technology. By skillfully combining these seemingly disparate artistic traditions, I aim to unravel unexplored possibilities and create intricate, captivating structures that seamlessly blend the tactile allure of paper artistry with the limitless potential of cutting-edge manufacturing processes. Through my interdisciplinary exploration, I hope to unveil a new chapter in the evolution of artistic expression and inspire others to see the boundless synergy between traditional craftsmanship and modern technological advancements.

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My Work and My Process